Selasa, 03 November 2009

piece of an old story

when I sat in a chair senior high school, at the last moment I left the school, where I would set foot in this small to a higher level, something I never imagined, and I expect to happen in this life. I'm hoping this is the first and last events in my life, I do not want to have a problem with anyone. when it was at 08.05 am on Tuesday, 15 January 2008, exactly in the multimedia room, when I was following subjects MYOB Accounting, arrive - came one of his guidance counselor came into the room and called one of my friends are Eka Valentine Siregar and not old teacher returned to the multimedia room and called my name and asked me to enter the room. in the room had no Valentine Siregar Eka sit, I'm confused and I do not know what purpose she called me into the room, but eventually I knew parents of Eka Valentine had come to see the guidance counselor and reported that I had bad habit from his daughter, finally everything I explained in detail on the guidance counselor. when the guidance counselor received from my story and told us to forgiveness, but Eka Valentine did not want the problem was over just like that, she wanted my dad came to school and do the same thing as did his father, and when I denied it and says: I'm not going to call my parents to this school for my case that was not done, there can be no smoke in the absence of fire, and one more thing: my parents schooled me in this place to bring the achievements rather than bringing the problem, so I do not will call my parents to this case, I will have to answer them all. I dare because I was right. The next day the counselor had not been handling the case, but somehow Eka was still looking for trouble. from then on I just stopped in silence. My days passed as usual, went to school with my bike and pedaled home from school after I left the course at LBPP LIA (Slipi) and so on, I do not want to take the headache of it, and from then on I was always careful to make friends though he was a tribe and a religion with me, because it does not guarantee a good relationship. I am now more selective when close to someone, because I do not want it happening again. instances where the time away from my beloved mother and family that I love.


De rechspraak geschiedt door onafhankelijke rechters, ze worden voor het hele leven benoemd. Er zijn 62 (tweenzestig) kantongerechten in Nederland, het kantongerecht is het laagste niveau van de rechtspraak. Hier behandelt men burgerlijke zaken tot f.1500 (vijftienhonderd gulden) en verkeer overtredingen. Het volgende niveau is de arrondissementrechtbank. Er zijn 19 (negentien) arrondissementrechtbanken in getal. Men behandelt hier gevallen zoals echtscheidingen en faillissementen. wie het niet eens is met de uitspraak van de rechtbank, kan in hoger beroep gaan. hij komt terecht bij een arrondissementrechtbank of bij een van de vijf gerechtshoven. De Hoge Raad der Nederlanden ziet toe op de rechtspraaak in het algemeen en op de gerechtshoven in het bijzonder.